Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cleaning that fridge of yours!

Happy national Fridge Cleaning Day!

Please come forward if you created this day! I would like a word with you! Seriously though, who created this day?! I want to ignore this day like the plague. But I’m sure if I didn’t clean my fridge it would probably be able to cause the plague.  Cleaning your fridge may seem like a daunting task but fear not! This blog post will save you!  

Alright So first off give your fridge a break! You think YOU never get a break? Your fridge really doesn’t! So lets give it a break while we clean it.
Get a cooler and place all your contents into it, Make sure they say cold! While your taking everything out look at all of your food! 

Go through these questions as your place each thing into your cooler:
Has it expired?
Does it smell funny?
Are you really going to use it?

Then find your circuit breaker or fuse box and flip it off. Your fridge will thank you later.
Get the shelves and drawers at a good room temperature before you wash them.

First things first, DO NOT USE SOAP. The scent can stay behind and then your food will absorb it...Gross.  So mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 quart hot water. Grab a sponge, a NEW sponge and start rubbing down the entire fridge. If you have those annoying spots just get some of the mixture and layer it on soon it will crack off. If it doesn’t try a little clump of toothpaste!

Clean the walls and the door. Don’t forget the shelf seams and the rubber door seal!

Make sure everything is dry. The drawers, shelves, and walls!
Find the water filter. You should be changing this every 6 months. If you’re a slacker like me it happens when I do this fridge cleaning once a year! So find it and replace it.

When you’re ready, turn your fridge back on. Make sure it’s a good 37 degrees.  As you are putting everything back into your fridge get a damp towel and whip down every bottle as it goes back to its place!
BOOM! Congrats! Your fridge is now clean. Easy huh? Well just make sure you do it every year for a good ol’ deep clean.

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