Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Monster Tags

Halloween Monster Tags

Who is excited for Halloween ??

We are here at PenBlade! We like to give cute little gifts to those we love and decided to create tags to go on those little gifts. It spices up the gift and shows them how crafty you are at the same time!  The Wooden tags we bought from the Wooden Connection in Utah, as you will soon find out, we Love that place!  Once you have the tags its pretty simple. Just find some monsters you’d like to create. I chose, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Witch, a Pumpkin, and a Mummy. I had my favorites of course by make a few and then make multiples of each. 

Supplies you will need:

*Craft paper (lots)
*PenBlades (I used all three blades in this project!)
*A cutting bored
* Cream Ribbon
*A black Sharpie

Okay so first thing to do:
Look at how cute mine turned out :)
Then make it!
Okay but seriously it’s easy. Outline your wooden tag on the paper that you want as your background. Depending on which one you do will be different colors. P.s I didn’t take photos of all of them, because I forgot.  So once you get your base be creative. Look at mine, Look online, Look in your brain.  


Whether it’s a two-tone background or a solid color use the tag as your stencil. Glue it down and add your details. Cut out the eyes, or the teeth, or the hair. Once you’ve added your details. Make sure you cut out that hole for your string. I used the #15 I find that with the #15 I can curve more. I used the #10 for those straight lines. And the #11 for the edges where I wanted them to be perfect! Glue everything on and then get your sharpie out and start drawing on the features.

 For the mummy one I just did half the black and then added the yellow eyes. I then took some cream ribbon and just started wrapping then attached with some good glue. I used a glue gun but really anything will work. Boom! TADA! Congrats you've finished. Now attach them to the cute little gifts you are giving away this Halloween. p.s if you wanna by some PenBlades at a discount, Go to our website and use the code: BLOG12

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