Wednesday, October 14, 2015

National Dessert Day

Today HAS to be one of the greatest days! National Dessert Day! Who doesn't love desserts? If you are one of THOSE people who doesn't shh keep it to yourself. I don't want to know!
Anyways, My favorite dessert is Strawberry Shortcake. Super Simple, and Super Scrumptious.  (did you notice all those S's!)  This dessert actually is my Dad's favorite. He wants it for his birthday cake and his father's day cake every year. When I was younger I soon began to love it just as much as he does! p.s father's day is in June, his birthday is in July and so is mine! that is now 3 Strawberry Shortcakes in a two month period. That's pretty Stupendous! It is now something that I request my mom to make whenever she can. Also my grandma makes a mean shortcake and her cream is Spectacular! My mom has of course taken over the recipes so i can enjoy them more frequently. And guess what!? Just for you on this Special day I will Share with you the recipe.
Okay so my new favorite way to do Strawberry Shortcake on cake side is to go to Costco and buy the pound cake muffins or the angel food cake muffins I can't remember which. It's ssmart!
Get your lovely Strawberries and wash 'em nice and good and cut the tops off. Then get a chopper. I use the one from The Pampered Chief. Or just go old school and use a chopping knife. Then cop those Strawberries! I like when it's not perfect because I get the big chunks and I get some juice too!
Now it's time for the CREAM RECIPE! mmm.. yummm.. So delicious. But you have to promise that you will keep this recipe a Secret (: Yes I know I just published it to the internet but still shhh... Alright the granny/mom recipe from their notes:
I usually use about 1/2 quart of heavy whipping cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and 3/4 - 1 cup of sugar. Make sure that cream is very cold!  You whip the cream and add sugar to cream quickly so the cream isn't granular in texture. Add vanilla and whip until desired texture.
Very specific huh? Well if you are not a baker like me it's not a whole lot of help. But you may have to try it a few times. My mom told me that to some people this may be a lot of sugar but HEY that's what makes it good!
How to assemble your glorious cake: So you take those yummy muffins and cut the muffin in half the horizontal way, that way you can almost make a muffin sandwich with yumminess inside! Then you place a layer of the Strawberries on top of the bottom muffin then add some cream, then put your muffin top on and add some cream and then a few Strawberries on top for beautification purposes. Now I understand some of you will be disappointed in that I didn't show you my final result but hey, I get too excited for it and eat it right away! So you can just deal with looking at someone else's photo!
Anywayenjoy your yummy desserttoday! Eat Lots! Call your grandma or your mom and bake something with her!

My Grandma and I
- A

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